Sunday, January 12, 2014


Bugoy Drilon - Hindi na Bale - Album Cover

Refer to its lyrics:

       Everyone of us has each of our own preferences and styles especially when it comes to music. One may like dramatic and sad songs and the other, happy songs. There may even be some people who prefer dark and noisy songs. But for me, I prefer the different styles of music. It is because each styles and genres of music has its charms and good points.

       "Hindi na Bale"; a song by Jessa Zaragoza and sung by Bugoy Drilon, a popular young artist/singer. The good points of this song are the lyrics, the emotions brought out by the singer and the message it conveys. It clearly tells the emotion and the feelings that the writer and the composer wants to bring out. But just like every song, it has its own downsides which are its melody and its genre/style. The writer and composer has overused the melody and the way that it is a sad song. This writer and composer mostly composes sad dramatic songs while the melody is almost/the same as the other songs which she composed and was also sung by Mr. Bugoy. Another disadvantage is that some people can relate to it and in some cases, it may lead to suicide or cases of depression. Another one is that the song is common; how it is cheesy and about letting go of someone for his/her sake, etc.

       Ironic as it may sound, I actually like this song despite the downsides, bad points and the criticisms I've said. So don't get angry at me. (シ_ _)シ Even though it's overused, the melody is catchy and the singer's voice and tone can really touch you and move you to tears even though you've never been in that situation before. And the meaning of the lyrics is well-delivered by the singer. Definitely. (*⌒▽⌒*)θ~♪

        Overall, I like the song despite its differences. As I've said in the introduction, each song and genre has its own charms; and so is this song, especially if the singer/s sing and delivers it well. And so, I recommend you to try to listen to it also. You should listen to it sometime~ ♪ヽ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )v ♪


Credits to the site "www."

Friday, August 9, 2013


     The 2nd post today is all about some tourist spots in Cebu. Why 'some'? Well, I'm afraid to say that I'm not sure if these are all the tourist spots in Cebu. Anyway, here I go.


   1. MACTAN

Credits to the owner and Google:Mactan; As shown in the picture is the statue of Mactan's hero, Lapu-Lapu.
    According to Wikipedia: 
    Mactan is a densely populated island located a few kilometres from Cebu Island in the Philippines. The island is part of Cebu Province and it is divided into Lapu-Lapu City and the municipality of Cordova. The island is separated from Cebu by the Mactan Channel which is crossed by two bridges: the Marcelo Fernan Bridge and the Mactan-Mandaue Bridge.


My Opinion/Comment: 


   Mactan is a wonderful place. It even has a festival called Battle of Mactan. It is very jolly. It also includes street dance, play, etc. This festival is all about the event when Lapu-Lapu, the datu of Mactan, and Magellan, the Spanish conqueror, fought in the shores of Mactan. They fought because Lapu-Lapu refused to change their religion unlike the other datus and this made Magellan mad to the point that they fought. But to Magellan's disappointment and frustration, Lapu-Lapu emerged victorious and killed Magellan.

   And to celebrate Mactan's hero, Lapu-Lapu, they decided to have this celebration and then it was passed from generation to generation until the present day.



Credits to the owner and Google:Sinulog Festival; As shown in the picture is the star dancer is in the front carrying the Sto. Niño statue/image with the other street dancers in the background.
      According to Wikipedia:

     The Sinulog is an annual festival held on the third Sunday of January in Cebu City, Maasin City, Southern Leyte, and Balingasag, Misamis Oriental in Philippines. The festival commemorates the Filipino people's pagan origin, and their acceptance of Roman Catholicism.

My Opinion/Comment:

Credits to the owner and Google:Sinulog Festival; As shown in the picture is the star dancer is in the front carrying the Sto. Niño statue/image with the ither street dancers.
     For those who don't know, this festival actually has a history behind it.

   Queen Juana/Hara Amihan, who was newly baptized to Roman Catholicism and the wife of King Carlos/Rajah Humabon, was just given an image of the Sto. Niño by Magellan as a gift. Extremely happy about the said gift, she started dancing around the village while carrying the image of the Sto. Niño. Seeing this, the villagers also followed her and started dancing. And that's how the Sinulog Festival started.

    Every year, I go to this particular festival. And every year, I notice there are so many people participating in this festival which is very tiring and troublesome since I have to cram with the crowds of people, especially since I hate crowds...ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ But it's worth the trouble since I, together with my family and relatives, get to see the Lord and have fun after the mass.


    3. Cebu Taoist Temple

Credits to the owner and Google:Cebu Taoist Temple
   According to Wikipedia:

   Built in 1972, the Cebu Taoist Temple is located in Beverly Hills Subdivision in Cebu City, Philippines. The temple was built by Cebu's substantial Chinese community. With an elevation of 300 meters above sea level, the temple is a towering, multi-tiered, multi-hued attraction accessible by three separate winding routes.

  Unlike the neighboring Phu Sian Temple, the Taoist temple is open to the worshipers and non-worshipers alike. A ritual among devotees is where one prays to the gods to grant one's wish. The ritual includes washing of hands, going inside the chapel barefoot and dropping two blocks of wood. If the blocks of wood are both face up then one could make a wish. If not then it is not yet the time for one's wish to be granted and one has to come to the temple some other time.

My Opinion/Comment:

Credits to the owner and Google:Cebu Taoist Temple
    To be honest, I first came to Taoist Temple when I was still in preschool (We were having a field trip at that time) so... I didn't really know that there was a ritual that could make wishes come true. If I knew, then I would basically wish... But since I was still a kid at that time, I'm sure my wishes would be nonsense and unimportant since I'm sure I'm just gonna wish about the typical wishes kids have; you know, toys, games, etc. ヽ(  ̄д ̄;)ノ


   4. Basilica del Sto. Niño / Basilica of the Holy Child

Credits to the owner and Google: Basilica del Sto. Niño
   According to Wikipedia:

   The Minor Basilica of the Holy Child (Spanish: Basílica Menor del Santo Niño; Italian: Basilica Minore del Santo Bambino) is a minor basilica in Cebu City in the Philippines that was founded in the 16th century. It is the oldest Roman Catholic church established in the country, purposedly built on the spot where the image of the Santo Niño de Cebú, a statue depicting the Holy Child Jesus was found in 1565 by Spanish explorers led by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi. The image is the same statue given by Ferdinand Magellan to the wife of Rajah Humabon as a gift over forty years before after Humabon's baptism to Christianity on April 14, 1521. It was found by a soldier preserved in a burnt wooden box after Legazpi razed the village of hostile natives.

My Opinion/Comment:

Credits to the owner and Google: Basilica del Sto. Niño, where the yearly mass for the Sinulog Festival is held.
   I don't really have any comments about this spot. This place is where the yearly mass for the Sinulog Festival is held... And well, yeah... This is the oldest church in Cebu and it is just near to Cebu Metropolitan Chapel, if my memory serves me right. I think I'm getting old...ヽ(  ̄д ̄;)ノ


    And this is all for today! Don't worry! This is not all! This is just the first part! Tomorrow, I'm going to post the 2nd part... (Maybe... I don't know. I think I'm gonna be busy tomorrow because my relatives from Australia just arrived here in the Philippines to visit.) Sorry about this...(ノ´д`)Anyway, please understand and I'm very very sorry. m(_ _)m  So for now, bye~


Credits to Wikipedia
Credits to the owner
Credits to Google

Thursday, August 8, 2013


It's more fun in the Philippines!       
          As a Filipino, I am proud to say that this is true! There are many beautiful places in which you can visit and there are many festivals and celebrations in which you can have fun.

          Today, I'm going to list some of the places I'd like to visit and festivals I would like to attend. No worries, they are not in order. Here they are:


       1. LANZONES FESTIVAL in Camiguin, Mindanao

Credits to the owner and google: Shown in this picture are three girls participating in the Lanzones Festival in Camiguin
          For me, this festival is a must! MUST, I say! Lanzones Festival is held every third week of October and it is a four day grand celebration of the lanzones fruit.
          I would like to attend this festival. Even though I was able to visit Camiguin once, I wasn't able to visit during the festival. And since my mother's hometown is in Camiguin, I've heard that during this festival, people in Camiguin would hang lanzones everywhere and you can pick/take/get them for free! No one would bother scolding you...  (´∀`)♡ Wah~ I'm sure no one would starve during this day... due to so much lanzones chilling out, waiting to be eaten.


        2. KATIBAWASAN FALLS in Mambajao, Camiguin, Mindanao

Credits to the owner and google: Katibawasan Falls in Mambajao, Camiguin at the foot of Mt. Timpoong
         Even though I've visited this spot already (once only), I would like to come back to visit this place. For me, it feels nostalgic and I'd like to see the monkey at the entrance once again. Hehe~ I wonder if it's still alive...


       3. VIGAN CITY, Ilocos Sur, Luzon

Credits to the owner and google: Vigan City in Ilocos Sur with calesa shown
         I've heard from a friend that Vigan is an interesting and unique place. It is a historic place located in Ilocos Sur. It is still preserved just the way it was during the Spanish Era or so he said. (((( ;°Д°)))) Must be hard maintaining and preserving the spot. And if you go inside one of the houses, you'd find something surprising. When you see old and ancient buildings, you'd expect the inside to be ancient and old, too, right? But my friend said that it's different. For example, when you go inside one of the houses, instead of finding creaky wood or planks and cobwebs, you'd find a fast-food restaurant, specifically, Jollibee! And when you go in another house, you'd find a disco place. And then there are other houses with different contents. He said that it has been preserved and made to entertain tourists and visitors.

          ⊙▂⊙ If this is REALLY true, I'd really love to go! It's like transporting or teleporting to another dimension! From the ancient era to the modern era and vice versa.


        4. BLACK NAZARENE FESTIVAL, Quiapo Church, Manila, Luzon

Credits to the owner and google: Black Nazarene Festival in Quiapo Church, Manila
          I've heard from many people that this festival is miraculous. And when you touch the Black Nazarene, a miracle will happen or your wish will come true! (Of course, not the bad wishes!) They said that it's true! I hope so~ 八(^□^*)

          When I visit Luzon, I hope I'd be able to attend this festival. I'd like to attend it but... I'm scared of the crowds of people.ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ In the news, I've heard and seen that there are LOTS and LOTS of people attending this place... So I'm really not sure if I will attend it...or not. (;_・)And lastly...


        5. CHOCOLATE HILLS in Bohol, Visayas

Credits to the owner and google: Chocolate Hills, Bohol
          These are hills spread over in the municipalities of Carmen, Sagbayan and Batuan. I'm sure you're thinking this is such a simple wish since Bohol is just close to the place where I live ( I live in Cebu.). Actually, I've never gone there. 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 I'd like to see the brown-green hills and see the tarsier everyone's been talking about! But! No worries! I'm sure I'm gonna go there someday! Someday...              ( ;´Д`)
         Just you wait, CHOCOLATE HILLS! Oh... and TARSIER!

         That was all for today! So for now!
         General MacArthur---
         "I shall return!"