Thursday, August 8, 2013


It's more fun in the Philippines!       
          As a Filipino, I am proud to say that this is true! There are many beautiful places in which you can visit and there are many festivals and celebrations in which you can have fun.

          Today, I'm going to list some of the places I'd like to visit and festivals I would like to attend. No worries, they are not in order. Here they are:


       1. LANZONES FESTIVAL in Camiguin, Mindanao

Credits to the owner and google: Shown in this picture are three girls participating in the Lanzones Festival in Camiguin
          For me, this festival is a must! MUST, I say! Lanzones Festival is held every third week of October and it is a four day grand celebration of the lanzones fruit.
          I would like to attend this festival. Even though I was able to visit Camiguin once, I wasn't able to visit during the festival. And since my mother's hometown is in Camiguin, I've heard that during this festival, people in Camiguin would hang lanzones everywhere and you can pick/take/get them for free! No one would bother scolding you...  (´∀`)♡ Wah~ I'm sure no one would starve during this day... due to so much lanzones chilling out, waiting to be eaten.


        2. KATIBAWASAN FALLS in Mambajao, Camiguin, Mindanao

Credits to the owner and google: Katibawasan Falls in Mambajao, Camiguin at the foot of Mt. Timpoong
         Even though I've visited this spot already (once only), I would like to come back to visit this place. For me, it feels nostalgic and I'd like to see the monkey at the entrance once again. Hehe~ I wonder if it's still alive...


       3. VIGAN CITY, Ilocos Sur, Luzon

Credits to the owner and google: Vigan City in Ilocos Sur with calesa shown
         I've heard from a friend that Vigan is an interesting and unique place. It is a historic place located in Ilocos Sur. It is still preserved just the way it was during the Spanish Era or so he said. (((( ;°Д°)))) Must be hard maintaining and preserving the spot. And if you go inside one of the houses, you'd find something surprising. When you see old and ancient buildings, you'd expect the inside to be ancient and old, too, right? But my friend said that it's different. For example, when you go inside one of the houses, instead of finding creaky wood or planks and cobwebs, you'd find a fast-food restaurant, specifically, Jollibee! And when you go in another house, you'd find a disco place. And then there are other houses with different contents. He said that it has been preserved and made to entertain tourists and visitors.

          ⊙▂⊙ If this is REALLY true, I'd really love to go! It's like transporting or teleporting to another dimension! From the ancient era to the modern era and vice versa.


        4. BLACK NAZARENE FESTIVAL, Quiapo Church, Manila, Luzon

Credits to the owner and google: Black Nazarene Festival in Quiapo Church, Manila
          I've heard from many people that this festival is miraculous. And when you touch the Black Nazarene, a miracle will happen or your wish will come true! (Of course, not the bad wishes!) They said that it's true! I hope so~ 八(^□^*)

          When I visit Luzon, I hope I'd be able to attend this festival. I'd like to attend it but... I'm scared of the crowds of people.ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ In the news, I've heard and seen that there are LOTS and LOTS of people attending this place... So I'm really not sure if I will attend it...or not. (;_・)And lastly...


        5. CHOCOLATE HILLS in Bohol, Visayas

Credits to the owner and google: Chocolate Hills, Bohol
          These are hills spread over in the municipalities of Carmen, Sagbayan and Batuan. I'm sure you're thinking this is such a simple wish since Bohol is just close to the place where I live ( I live in Cebu.). Actually, I've never gone there. 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 I'd like to see the brown-green hills and see the tarsier everyone's been talking about! But! No worries! I'm sure I'm gonna go there someday! Someday...              ( ;´Д`)
         Just you wait, CHOCOLATE HILLS! Oh... and TARSIER!

         That was all for today! So for now!
         General MacArthur---
         "I shall return!"


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